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Fosters School Museum Archive

I know we are all starting to feel like museum pieces but we have a heritage to look after! Thanks to Barbara Elsmore here are two archive lists of the items held at the Sherborne Museum. Some really interesting stuff there.

2024 OGA/OFA AGM and Reunion

This years OFA Reunion will be at the Grange at Oborne on the 12th October. Numbers are limited to 56 this year so get your booking in early. The AGM will start at 11:30 and dinner at 1PM. Look forward to seeing you there!


They are both now up on the magazines page.


22 April 1939 – 7 April 2020

It is with great sadness that we report the passing of Mike Goode. As evidenced by the outpouring of emotion, memories and respect on social media to the news, Mike was one of the iconic Masters of Fosters School in recent times. As 1st Form Master, he was our first contact and guiding light for our early School days, and the experiences just got better from then on, whether in the Physics Lab, at Blashenwell Camp or in everyday life around the School, and Boarding House for some. 

He was devoted not only to the School, but afterwards to our Old Boys’ Association. We all owe him a debt of gratitude. In latter years he did not enjoy the best of health with Parkinsons, but with no surprise, he tackled this and ageing life with energy, a positive mind and always a cheery smile. Our thoughts go to Selina, his wife, Caroline and Jennifer, his daughters, and the wider family. We hope they will take some comfort that Mike is at peace, and also from the massive recognition he has received on the news of his passing.

Sadly on a national scale, these are unique times and we will not be able to pay our respects for, and celebrate Mike’s life for a little while. I know the family are planning something for later in the year and I hope we will be able to play our part in that as an Association.

With best wishes, keep well and keep safe.
Philip Dolbear Chairman 


Photographs of the 2019 Founders Day Service and LDS Reunion Lunch can be found here: https://fostersdigbys.co.uk/lds-2019-reunion/

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50 thoughts on “Home Page

  1. Ann Hibbert (Wright) May 15, 2013 / 3:35 pm

    I spent some while looking at the Fosters 1961 school photo in April with Sue Wood (Deacon) and remembering great times and wonderful friendships! Ann Hibbert(Wright)

  2. John Abbott May 13, 2014 / 6:04 pm

    This all looks jolly good! I am embarrassed to admit that over the last 47 years I haven’t done anything to stay in contact with old school friends.. That’s with the one exception of Barry Barter. Amazingly we have remained the best of friends since meeting at the age of eleven at Fosters. That must have been in 1960. Thanks for telling me about this site Barry. I don’t see any familiar names on it yet but here’s hoping that someone might remember me – John Abbott. Some of you girls might remember my sister Margaret who was at Lord Digby’s.

    • Olwyn Robinson August 22, 2014 / 3:09 pm

      Hi John, I remember you (and your sister). I was Olwyn Nicolson when at Digby’s, and did my 3 ‘A’ levels at Fosters. I’m still in touch with a few of the girls in my year. Have not been back to Sherborne often since my parents moved up here to Shropshire (both have passed away in the last 3 years).

      • John Abbott August 22, 2014 / 4:53 pm

        Hello Olwyn. How good to hear from you again. It must be about 47 years since we last saw each other and I calculate about 54 years since we did folk dancing together at the Council School. You must remember that. Sorry to hear of your parents. My mother and father also passed away some years ago. As you would have picked up, I am not great at keeping up with old friends, but if you would like to communicate a little more my e-mail address is: johnabbott@webmail.co.za

  3. Mike Hounsell November 25, 2014 / 7:52 pm

    Happiest days of my life – 1943 to 1950. Captain of cricket and football, captain of St Bedes, school tennis champion, winner of Pragnal Prize for literature (cribbed the whole thing from ‘Pursuit of Happiness’. Thickest student in 6th Form,but this didn’t matter. Great masters in ‘Gobby Gibling’ and Mr Miller. Daughter now Headteacher at Queen Margaret’s School, York, son teaching English in Spain, younger son formed furnishing removal company in New York (four years at University well used!). Daughter also taught at Sherborne School for a year. Not a lot of news about my contemporaries.
    Good luck, Mike Hounsell, Exeter.

  4. Anne Cooper (nee Dryden) March 25, 2015 / 11:45 am

    Went to the Real Food Live/Live Life Live show at the Ally Pally last Friday (20/3/2015) and saw some lovely art by Sarah Bayliss. I noticed her home number was local to me, and that she exhibits in Covent Garden. Fabulous pictures, something a little different. Back home, checking Sarah’s website, she went to LDS! Small world, isn’t it? We of the 1956-63 Group had Mrs. Gervis as our Art teacher. I wonder who was Sarah’s Art teacher and nutured this wonderful talent.
    Best wishes

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