Cast from left to right: John Worthing: John (Chimp) Knight, Merriman (butler to Worthing): John Jameson, Cecily Cardew: Michael Dunk, Rev. Chasuble: Philip Stainer, Lady Bracknell: John Read, Miss Prism: Raymond Harris, Hon. Gwen Fairfax: David Evans, Lane (Moncrief’s Valet): Peter Gregory, Algernon Moncrief: John Hambleton.

Cast – Falstaff: Perry, King: Sidaway, Hotspur: Chubb, Mistress Quigly: John Jameson, Earls: Hambleton, Moore.

Sent in by Brian Isaacs. His words: “Just found this in the attic! Photo of Fosters School presentation of Julius Caesar in 1957. I played a rather fetching “Calpurnia” (front row far right). Remember I would have preferred to be cast as third Roman soldier as they had great uniforms and real swords! Great sword fights in the gym every night!”

L To R: Jane Smart; David Ferguson; John Blackwell; Joe Brown; Paul Dawkins; Adrian Lincoln; Geoffrey Quick; Elizabeth Sharpe; Diana Churchill; Richard Nichols; Niall Munro and Neil Gillard

Sent in by Caroline Herring: L-R back row: ?,?,Heather Drake, Josephine?, Rachel Chadbourn, Deb Wright, Mandy Steele,
L-R Middle Row: Alison Childs, Pippa Leslie-Jones, Katrina Chaffey, Deb Shepherd, Kitty Anderson, Laura Hill, Sarah Mildenhall, Gill Taylor, Gill Borshell, Caroline Herring.
L-R Front row: Frances Gibb, Sidney(Sydney?) Francis, ?, Jenny Konko, ?, Linda Schofield.

Top window left: Rachel Chadbourne
Back Row: ?, ?, ?, ? — Chris Broadhurst, Phil Barcelon, ?, ?, ?
Middle row: Judy Pheysey,?,Alison Childs, Fiona Shotter, ?, ?, Heather Drake, Paul Bingham, Simon Easton, Hugh Jenkins, Simon Horsley, Deborah Wright, Gillian Borshell, Barry Jones
Front row: Don’t know any of their names.

Reginald Bunthorne (Paul Bingham) and Archibald Grosvenor (Hugh Jenkins) – The Fleshly Poets in Patience by Gilbert and Sullivan. How embarrassing were those costumes, particularly the wigs and the buckles on the shoes!!

Back Row: Kevin Parsons, ?, Fiona Shotter, Steve Wheatley, ?, Tim Ashmore, Johnny Moyle
Middle Row: Chris Broadhurst, ?, ?, Phil Barcelon, Bill Niven, ?
Front Row: Sarah Woods?, Pippa ?, ?, Sydney Francis?, ?, Heather Drake, ?
Twelfth Night was Dec 1973
Front row of Under Milk wood:? Kevin Hunt, Laura Weston, Sarah Churchill, Beccy Lane, Sarah Penney (me!), Sally Taylor. I can also spot ? Bill Niven, Chris Beardshaw? and Fiona Shotter
The Crucible – Laura Weston, Glynnis Congreve, Julie Swindells and Jonathan Moyle (RIP)
The crucible – I can spot Jenny Dear, Fiona Shotter, ?Tim Ashmore, Mark Brummell
also syd francis
? chris broadhurst
Under Milkwood front row from left: Alan Fazackerley, Kev Hunt, then a load of girls then Tim Carr and a bloke I don’t remember
Got a couple of players in the Crucible 76, too.
Steve Wheatley middle of the back row
Right of Phil B, middle, is somebody Niven
Front row, middle is Cyd somebody, next to her is Julie Summerbell ( I think) and far right is Laura Weston, Paul’s elder sister.
Of course it would’ve been better if I’d read the other replies first!
The Crucible – top row 1st left – Kevin Parsons, 4th left Steve Wheatley, 7th left at the end, definitely Johnny Moyle (RiP), Middle row 5th left, Bill Niven, As for the front row, I think, to be confirmed, that 4th left is Sydney Francis and 1st left I think is Sarah Woods.