Cast from left to right: John Worthing: John (Chimp) Knight, Merriman (butler to Worthing): John Jameson, Cecily Cardew: Michael Dunk, Rev. Chasuble: Philip Stainer, Lady Bracknell: John Read, Miss Prism: Raymond Harris, Hon. Gwen Fairfax: David Evans, Lane (Moncrief’s Valet): Peter Gregory, Algernon Moncrief: John Hambleton.

Cast – Falstaff: Perry, King: Sidaway, Hotspur: Chubb, Mistress Quigly: John Jameson, Earls: Hambleton, Moore.

Sent in by Brian Isaacs. His words: “Just found this in the attic! Photo of Fosters School presentation of Julius Caesar in 1957. I played a rather fetching “Calpurnia” (front row far right). Remember I would have preferred to be cast as third Roman soldier as they had great uniforms and real swords! Great sword fights in the gym every night!”

L To R: Jane Smart; David Ferguson; John Blackwell; Joe Brown; Paul Dawkins; Adrian Lincoln; Geoffrey Quick; Elizabeth Sharpe; Diana Churchill; Richard Nichols; Niall Munro and Neil Gillard

Sent in by Caroline Herring: L-R back row: ?,?,Heather Drake, Josephine?, Rachel Chadbourn, Deb Wright, Mandy Steele,
L-R Middle Row: Alison Childs, Pippa Leslie-Jones, Katrina Chaffey, Deb Shepherd, Kitty Anderson, Laura Hill, Sarah Mildenhall, Gill Taylor, Gill Borshell, Caroline Herring.
L-R Front row: Frances Gibb, Sidney(Sydney?) Francis, ?, Jenny Konko, ?, Linda Schofield.

Top window left: Rachel Chadbourne
Back Row: ?, ?, ?, ? — Chris Broadhurst, Phil Barcelon, ?, ?, ?
Middle row: Judy Pheysey,?,Alison Childs, Fiona Shotter, ?, ?, Heather Drake, Paul Bingham, Simon Easton, Hugh Jenkins, Simon Horsley, Deborah Wright, Gillian Borshell, Barry Jones
Front row: Don’t know any of their names.

Reginald Bunthorne (Paul Bingham) and Archibald Grosvenor (Hugh Jenkins) – The Fleshly Poets in Patience by Gilbert and Sullivan. How embarrassing were those costumes, particularly the wigs and the buckles on the shoes!!

Back Row: Kevin Parsons, ?, Fiona Shotter, Steve Wheatley, ?, Tim Ashmore, Johnny Moyle
Middle Row: Chris Broadhurst, ?, ?, Phil Barcelon, Bill Niven, ?
Front Row: Sarah Woods?, Pippa ?, ?, Sydney Francis?, ?, Heather Drake, ?
I think my dad made a lot of the scenery for the plays which was then painted by the art department. Geoff Congrave is still in Sherborne and I’m heading back in October 2016 after a 36 year absence 🙂
Crucible 1976
Front Row 3 from left – Glynnis Congrave (me)
5 from left – Julie Saunders
Far right – Laura Weston