Ross Wilson, Randolph Burt, Randolph Burt, Peter Worboys, Graham Hole, David Ackroyd, Martin Cole, Andrew Harris, Robin Budgell, Alistair Orchard, Gary Ireland, Lloyd Bryant, Neil Hayward, Jonathan Kershaw, Robert Haines, Jonathan Kershaw, Alex Palmer, Philip Organ, William Nutt

Brent Ireland, Robert Haines, Alistair Orchard, David Ackroyd, Matthew Robinson, Lloyd Bryant, Neil Hayward, Gary Ireland, Jonathan Kershaw, Gareth Marks, Randolph Burt, Graham Hole, Andrew Harris

Nick Saunders, Michael Maynard, Matthew Robinson, Robert Haines, Robin Geoffrey?, Robin ?, Andrew Harris, Martin Cole, Alistair Orchard, Neil Hayward, Jonathan Kershaw, David Ackroyd, Gary Ireland, Graham Hole, Lloyd Bryant

Simon Rawles, Brent Ireland, Andrew Harris, David Ackroyd, Nick Saunders, Gary Ireland, Ross Wilson, Robin Budgell, David Noble, Gareth Marks, Neil Hayward, Alistair Orchard, Robert Haines, Matthew Robinson

Robert Haines, Alistair Orchard, Simon Rawles, Andrew Potter, Philip Organ, Matthew Robinson, Neil Hayward, Lloyd Bryant, Gary Ireland, Randolph Burt, Graham Hole, Randolph Burt, Andrew Harris, Gareth Marks, Brent Ireland, David Ackroyd

Allan ‘Budwin’ Budworth, Jamie Fry, Ben Trust, William Knight, David Oxford, Robert Murray, James Garland, James Coffin, Philip Burningham, Robin Ackroyd, Ben Waterfall, Charles Burrows, Lee Vickery

Allan ‘Budwin’ Budworth, Robin Ackroyd, David Oxford, Alastair Mooney, Robin Hill, Jamie Fry, James Coffin, Charles Burrows, Ben Trust, Stuart Went, Richard Fitzmaurice, Ben Sunderland

Nick Wood, Allan ‘Budwin’ Budworth, Peter McDonald, David Oxford, Robin Ackroyd, James Coffin, Tim Whalley, Jamie Fry, Stuart Matthews, Charles Burrows, Tom Bevan, Pascal Hearn, Robert Murray, Ben Trust, Andrew Helson, Andrew Helson, Richard Fitzmaurice, Stuart Went, John Robertson, Gareth Chaffey, Michael Woods, Mr Lund
does anyone have a clue where to find people who were at fosters and digbys from 1979-1983. Trying to find steve oakley, helen noakes,
I DO!!!!! Its mike braunholtz here -how on earth are you Stef?- have matt day and jerry james and many more also…..
You could try the facebook group or maybe friends re-united? Alternatively maybe someone will reply here. Little after my time I’m afraid.
Hi Stefanie, there’s a lot of your year and younger on facebook, Alison Mannuel was in your year if I remember correctly.
Hi Stefanie, I was at Foster’s from ’76 – 81 and used to go on the same bus to school that you did. Hope all’s well with you.
Pressed the wromng button – sorry not anonymous, my name is Ian Strong
Stefanie. Are you related to Melanie? Kate (Morton) Martin