Various photographs taken in and around the school

Where was the milk kept? Where was the coal kept? Where was the kitchen?

I think it’s the Physics lab, could be Chemistry though, but I remember the Chemistry lab as being the other way around.

The following slides are excerpts from the film ‘The Great Pound Robbery’ made by the Photographic Society in 1966. As such they provide a pictorial insight into the school and Sherborne, albeit with some dramatic poses, in the mid 1960s.
Beloved Masters such as RE (‘Reg’) Griffiths, Edgar (‘Sid’) Maltby, and Brian (‘Barney’) Davis can be seen ‘in action’.

“Physics Lab? – Summer 1992”
There were 3 science labs. This is the middle one, that was helpfully used for both Physics and Chemistry lessons at that time. Given who is taking the lesson, I’d say a pretty clear bet that’s a Chemistry lesson.
Shows how bad my memory is!
We used to get Fiz, the physics teacher in the 60’s, to start talking about – “How do they make atom bombs sir? in double physics lessons- and while he went in to incredibly lengthy, illustrated explanations on the blackboard, a few of us in the back row would exit through a trap door in the floor, which led to the outside of the school, and go down the town. We returned after an hour and he never noticed!!
That’s Barney Davis, isn’t it?
Sadly missed.